Regatta Report: Fall Fury
The team competed at the Fall Fury regatta at the University of Wisconsin on the weekend of September 11/12th. See full scores here.
Team 1:
A Fleet
Skipper - Sherman Thompson (‘22)
Crew - Lily Allen (‘23)
B Fleet
Skipper - Samuel Ephraim (‘22)
Crew - Victoria O’Hara (‘22)
Team 2:
A Fleet
Skipper - Luciana Solorzano (‘24)
Crew - Asha Baddi (‘24)
B Fleet
Skipper - Isabel Dzuiba (‘23)
Crew - Abigail Paul (‘25)
The two teams traveled to Madison, Wisconsin to compete in 420s for the weekend. The regatta started with a short postponement, but the wind quickly built into a 5-10 kts Southerly breeze with shifty conditions. The second day saw more steady breeze from the North. The team knocked the rust off at the first regatta of the season and ended very strong. Isabel and Abby had all top 4 finishes in their last two sets which allowed them to solidify 3rd place in B division. Sherman and Lily also finished strong winning the last race and solidifying 3rd place in A division. Overall, the teams finished 3rd and 5th! Congrats to Luci, Abby, and Asha on their first college regatta!