Regatta Report: Laker Showdown
- A Fleet:
- Skipper- Grant Glover (‘19)
- Crew- Jamie McClellan (‘21)
- B Fleet:
- Skipper- Max Ellsworth (‘21)
- Crew- Ambi Agrawal (‘20)
M. Ellsworth '21 and A. Agrawal ('20)
This past weekend, March 29- April 1, four Michigan sailors went to Macatawa Bay Yacht Club to compete in the Laker Showdown. On Saturday, A fleet sailed in one rotation before the wind speed escalated to 40 knots and races were canceled for the rest of the day. Skipper G. Glover (‘19) and crew J. McClellan (‘21) got second and third place in each respective race.
On Sunday, the wind was a more tame 10-12 knots with shifts up to thirty degrees. B fleet started the day off with two races putting the Wolverines in third place. Over the course of three total rotations for the weekend, the Wolverines ended the regatta in fifth place.
Written by S. Youtt ('21)