Michigan Qualifies for Women's Nationals
Northwestern University hosted MCSA Women’s Qualifiers. See full scores here.
A Fleet:
Skipper - Jenna Probst (‘22)
Crew - Maggie Carroll (‘21)
B Fleet:
Skipper - Sarah Youtt (‘21)
Crew - Sarah Silvestri (‘19)
Crew - Kristen Picard (‘21)
Wolverines showed up ready to sail Saturday morning at Northwestern, but the regatta was postponed until Sunday due to strong breeze. Race Committee moved the start time for Sunday to 8 am. Our sailors spent the day exploring Chicago and preparing for the following day of racing.
Sunday’s breeze was much lighter with 5-6 knots from the South. The light breeze provided for some challenging conditions, but Race Committee managed to complete 8 races. Our sailors finished in 2nd overall and qualified for nationals!